What are some problems with increased government interaction?
Although the CISA mission statement seems clear and concise, one must ask what general terms like, “defend” and “secure” will mean when the mission statement task analysis is complete. Considering the vast number of cyberattacks that have occurred in recent years, the inability of the private sector to protect itself completely has become more apparent. Even if the government possesses classified information that could prevent an attack on a private sector entity, the government has few mechanisms with which to force the private sector to protect against these possible threats.
Currently, cybersecurity legislation is largely advisory and assistive in nature with regard to how organizations outside of the government provide their own cyber-protection. Cybersecurity laws have so far not become too intrusive in organizations providing their own protection against cyberattacks. That being said, as data breaches increase and more PII is obtained illegally through cyberattacks, it is reasonable to believe that the government will become more prescriptive in how institutions are supposed to ensure that they are secure.
Take CISA for example, opponents question the role of CISA in evaluating cybersecurity for private organizations. Furthermore, CISA critics believe that CISA will move responsibility for cyber-protection from private business to the government. The CISA critics argue that this shift from private to government cyber-protection increases the vulnerability of PII. Additionally, critics worry that once this private to government protection shift takes place, government agencies that have access to the information will be in a free position to disperse private information across multiple government agencies, including law enforcement agencies.
Currently, cybersecurity legislation is largely advisory and assistive in nature with regard to how organizations outside of the government provide their own cyber-protection. Cybersecurity laws have so far not become too intrusive in organizations providing their own protection against cyberattacks. That being said, as data breaches increase and more PII is obtained illegally through cyberattacks, it is reasonable to believe that the government will become more prescriptive in how institutions are supposed to ensure that they are secure.
Take CISA for example, opponents question the role of CISA in evaluating cybersecurity for private organizations. Furthermore, CISA critics believe that CISA will move responsibility for cyber-protection from private business to the government. The CISA critics argue that this shift from private to government cyber-protection increases the vulnerability of PII. Additionally, critics worry that once this private to government protection shift takes place, government agencies that have access to the information will be in a free position to disperse private information across multiple government agencies, including law enforcement agencies.